Allen A41 Memory Drop
Allen A41 Memory Drop
Information about Allen A41 Memory Drop Allen A41 Memory Drop helps in improving memory power, forgetfulness, clearing brain fags, confusion. It also helps in cases of restless...
Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop
Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop
Information about Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop treats abnormal enlarged prostate gland, inflammation of prostate gland, prostatitis and dripping of uri...
Allen Pancreas A43 Drop
Allen Pancreas A43 Drop
Information about Allen Pancreas A43 Drop Allen Pancreas A43 Drop can help in dealing with pain in the upper part of the belly. It is known to be effective against the pain tha...
Allen A44 Hyper Acidity & Ul...
Allen A44 Hyper Acidity & Ulcer Drop
Information about Allen A44 Hyper Acidity & Ulcer Drop Allen A44 Hyper Acidity and Ulcer Drop helps in treating dyspepsia, ulceration, acidity, indigestion and gastric prob...
Allen Epilepsy A45 Drop
Allen Epilepsy A45 Drop
Information about Allen Epilepsy A45 Drop Allen Epilepsy A45 can help in dealing with neurological issues marked by frequent bursts of sensory disturbance and loss of conscious...
Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drop
Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drop
Information about Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drop Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drops are useful for treatment dryness of scalp and dandruff. It prevents dryness of hair and keeps them ...
Allen A47 Throat Infection D...
Allen A47 Throat Infection Drop
Information about Allen A47 Throat Infection Drop Allen A47 Throat Infection Drop treats throat inflammation, painful swallowing, laryngeal inflammation and other larynx and tr...
Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop
Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop
Information about Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop provides relieves in painful swelling in cervical nerves, jerking and twitching of muscles. Key Ingre...
Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop
Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop
Information about Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop provides relief from wheezing and dry cough, catarrh of larynx, hacking cough with burning pain in chest, ti...
Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood ...
Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood Pressure) Drop
Information about Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood Pressure) Drop Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood Pressure) Drop treats hypertension and regulates blood pressure. Also helps cure flutte...
Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop
Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop
Information about Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop helps in treating tonsillitis and the associated symptoms like redness, pain and inflammation in throat, e...
Allen A52 Thyroid Drop
Allen A52 Thyroid Drop
Information about Allen A52 Thyroid Drop Allen A52 Thyroid Drop is indicated for treating hyperthyroidism, pituitary gland malfunctions, cancerous growth in thyroid gland, goit...