Allen A41 Memory Drop
Allen A41 Memory Drop
Information about Allen A41 Memory Drop Allen A41 Memory Drop helps in improving memory power, forgetfulness, clearing brain fags, confusion. It also helps in cases of restless...
Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop
Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop
Information about Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop Allen A42 Prostatitis Drop treats abnormal enlarged prostate gland, inflammation of prostate gland, prostatitis and dripping of uri...
Allen Pancreas A43 Drop
Allen Pancreas A43 Drop
Information about Allen Pancreas A43 Drop Allen Pancreas A43 Drop can help in dealing with pain in the upper part of the belly. It is known to be effective against the pain tha...
Allen A44 Hyper Acidity & Ul...
Allen A44 Hyper Acidity & Ulcer Drop
Information about Allen A44 Hyper Acidity & Ulcer Drop Allen A44 Hyper Acidity and Ulcer Drop helps in treating dyspepsia, ulceration, acidity, indigestion and gastric prob...
Allen Epilepsy A45 Drop
Allen Epilepsy A45 Drop
Information about Allen Epilepsy A45 Drop Allen Epilepsy A45 can help in dealing with neurological issues marked by frequent bursts of sensory disturbance and loss of conscious...
Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drop
Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drop
Information about Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drop Allen A46 Anti Dandruff Drops are useful for treatment dryness of scalp and dandruff. It prevents dryness of hair and keeps them ...
Allen A47 Throat Infection D...
Allen A47 Throat Infection Drop
Information about Allen A47 Throat Infection Drop Allen A47 Throat Infection Drop treats throat inflammation, painful swallowing, laryngeal inflammation and other larynx and tr...
Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop
Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop
Information about Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop Allen A48 Spondylytis Drop provides relieves in painful swelling in cervical nerves, jerking and twitching of muscles. Key Ingre...
Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop
Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop
Information about Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop Allen A49 Dry Cough Drop provides relief from wheezing and dry cough, catarrh of larynx, hacking cough with burning pain in chest, ti...
Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood ...
Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood Pressure) Drop
Information about Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood Pressure) Drop Allen A50 H.B.P (High Blood Pressure) Drop treats hypertension and regulates blood pressure. Also helps cure flutte...
Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop
Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop
Information about Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop Allen A51 Tonsilitis Drop helps in treating tonsillitis and the associated symptoms like redness, pain and inflammation in throat, e...
Allen A52 Thyroid Drop
Allen A52 Thyroid Drop
Information about Allen A52 Thyroid Drop Allen A52 Thyroid Drop is indicated for treating hyperthyroidism, pituitary gland malfunctions, cancerous growth in thyroid gland, goit...
Allen A53 Alopecia Drop
Allen A53 Alopecia Drop
Information about Allen A53 Alopecia Drop Allen A53 Alopecia Drop prevents hair fall, itching of scalp, thinning of hair, early greying of hairs and bald patches on scalp. K...
Allen Skin Rashes A54 Drop
Allen Skin Rashes A54 Drop
Information about Allen Skin Rashes A54 Drop Allen Skin Rashes A54 Drop is a medicine that can help with itchy and dry skin. It can help soothe the irritating sensation that pr...
Allen A55 Stomach Pain Drop
Allen A55 Stomach Pain Drop
Information about Allen A55 Stomach Pain Drop A55 STOMACH PAIN DROPS Indications For peptic Ulcer, Attacks of epigastric pain with tenderness over Gall Bladder, mild gastr...
Allen A56 Urticaria Drop
Allen A56 Urticaria Drop
Information about Allen A56 Urticaria Drop Allen A56 Urticaria Drop provides help in treating rashes, red weals on the skin which itch intensely and swelling caused by an aller...
Allen A57 Filaria Drop
Allen A57 Filaria Drop
Information about Allen A57 Filaria Drop Allen A57 Filaria Drops are indicated for treating filariasis, an infection caused by roundworms. It cure dry eruptions on the skin. ...
Allen A58 Headache Drop
Allen A58 Headache Drop
Information about Allen A58 Headache Drop Allen A58 Headache Drops are effective for treating headache, migraine, mental stress, indigestion, nervousness, headache associated w...
Allen A59 Tumour Drop
Allen A59 Tumour Drop
Information about Allen A59 Tumour Drop Allen A59 Tumour Drop helps in treating malignant and benign tumours, tuberculous ulcerations, glandular swellings and cyst. Key Ingr...
Allen A60 Cardiforte Drop
Allen A60 Cardiforte Drop
Information about Allen A60 Cardiforte Drop A60 CARDIFORTE DROPS Indications Functional Affections of the Heart mainly Cardiac Neurosis, Arrhythmia, Tachycardia, Nerve Per...
Allen A61 Whooping Cough
Allen A61 Whooping Cough
Allen A61 Whooping Cough Dropsis indicated forshort, convulsive coughs followed by a whooping intake of breath, caused by infection with the bacillus bordetella pertussis, inflamma...
Allen A62 Wet Cough Drops
Allen A62 Wet Cough Drops
Information about Allen A62 Wet Cough Drop A62 WET COUGH DROPS Indications- a productive cough that produces phlegm or mucus (sputum) found in the lower respiratory tract (w...
Allen A63 Heart Burn Drops A...
Allen A63 Heart Burn Drops Allen A63 Homeopathy Heart Burn
About Allen A63 Homeopathic drops: Allen A63 Heart Burn Drops are indications for Chest pain, Throat pain, Burning in the lower chest, Stomach discomfort, Reflux, Sour or acid ...
Allen A64 Abdominal Pain
Allen A64 Abdominal Pain
Indication of Allen A64 Abdominal Pain Drops A64 Abdominal Pain Drops is indicated for acute pain in abdomen with existing conditions like, acute pancreatitis, appendicitis, g...
Allen A64 Abdominal Pain
Allen A64 Abdominal Pain
Indication of Allen A64 Abdominal Pain Drops A64 Abdominal Pain Drops is indicated for acute pain in abdomen with existing conditions like, acute pancreatitis, appendicitis, g...
Allen A65 Bronchitis
Allen A65 Bronchitis
Indication of Allen A65 Bronchitis Drops A65 Bronchitis Drops is indicated for acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the bronchial tubes, mucus drainage fro...
Allen A65 Bronchitis
Allen A65 Bronchitis
Indication of Allen A65 Bronchitis Drops A65 Bronchitis Drops is indicated for acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the bronchial tubes, mucus drainage fro...
Allen A66 Lung Infections
Allen A66 Lung Infections
Indication of Allen A66 Lung Infection Drops A66 Lung Infections is indicated for inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia, irritation and inflammation of the pleura, pleural effu...
Allen A67 Back Pain Drops
Allen A67 Back Pain Drops
Indication of Allen A67 Back Pain Drops A67 Back Pain Drops in indicated for pain or discomfort in the upper back (affecting the area of cervical and thoracic spine), middle b...
Allen A68 Immunity Drops
Allen A68 Immunity Drops
Information about Allen A68 Immunity Drop A68 IMMUNITY DROPS Indications Builds a strong and healthy immune system, Improves overall systemic balance and cellular health. ...
Allen A69 Anal Fissures
Allen A69 Anal Fissures
Indication of Allen A69 Anal Fissures Drops A69 Anal Fissures Drops is indicated for laceration, crack or tear of the anal canal. Effective in rectal pain due to burning, cutt...
Allen A70 Irritable Bowel
Allen A70 Irritable Bowel
Indication of Allen A70 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Drops A70 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Drops is indicated irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a functional gastrointestinal (GI)...
Allen A71 U.T.I. (Urinary Tr...
Allen A71 U.T.I. (Urinary Tract Infections) Drop
Information about Allen A71 U.T.I. (Urinary Tract Infections) Drop A71 URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (U.T.I.) Indications- Mainly Cystitis caused by E.coli (also known as B. co...
Allen A72 Menopause Drop
Allen A72 Menopause Drop
Information about Allen A72 Menopause Drop A72 MENOPAUSE DROPS Indications Heavy periods during Menopause Vasodilatory hot flushes Depression, Insomnia, Mood swings,...
Allen A73 Vaginal Itching & ...
Allen A73 Vaginal Itching & Discharge Drop
Indications Foul vaginal discharge, Vulvar irritation Itching and burning in the vagina and vulva, Red, swollen, painful vaginal mucous membranes and external genitalia Dy...
Allen A74 Hormonal Imbalance...
Allen A74 Hormonal Imbalance Drop
Information about Allen A74 Hormonal Imbalance Drop A74 HORMONAL IMBALANCE DROPS Indications- Irregular or heavy bleeding vaginally Vaginal dryness, Fever, Excessive ha...
Allen A75 Allergy Drop
Allen A75 Allergy Drop
Information about Allen A75 Allergy Drop A75 ALLERGY DROPS Indications Relieves symptoms of allergies and hay fever (Allergic Rhinitis), Soothes and improves the health of...
Allen A76 Kalmegh Drop
Allen A76 Kalmegh Drop
Information about Allen A76 Kalmegh Drop A76 KALMEGH DROPS Indications Sluggish Liver, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion due to irregular functioning of Liver Jaundice, Hep...
Allen A77 Stress Drop
Allen A77 Stress Drop
Information about Allen A77 Stress Drop Allen A77 Stress Drop helps to reduce stress and tension in cases of moodiness, irritability or short temper, agitation, inability to re...
Allen A77 Stress Drops
Allen A77 Stress Drops
Information about Allen A77 Stress Drop Allen A77 Stress Drop helps to reduce stress and tension in cases of moodiness, irritability or short temper, agitation, inability to re...
Allen A78, Homeopathic
Allen A78, Homeopathic
About Allen A78, Homeopathic Drops: Allen A78, Chronic Anxiety Homeopathic Drops indicated for Sudden Shock, Shortness of Breath, Palpitations, Trembling, and Shaking Other ...
Allen A79 Depression Drop
Allen A79 Depression Drop
Information about Allen A79 Depression Drop A79 DEPRESSION DROPS Indications- Hopelessness, Low mood, Reduced energy, Appetite disturbance, Loss of libido, Insomnia, Low self...
Allen A81 Skin Abscess And B...
Allen A81 Skin Abscess And Boils Drop
Information about Allen A81 Skin Abscess And Boils Drop A81 SKIN ABSCESS & BOILS DROPS Indications- Thick, yellow liquid pus formations under the skin caused by an infection,...
Allen A82 Premature Greying ...
Allen A82 Premature Greying Of Hair Drop
Information about Allen A82 Premature Greying Of Hair Drop Allen A82 Premature Greying of Hair Drop prevents hair fall, dandruff, itching on scalp, thinning of hair and early g...
Allen A83 Bed-Wetting Drop
Allen A83 Bed-Wetting Drop
Information about Allen A83 Bed-Wetting Drop Allen A83 Bed-Wetting Drop is effective for adults and children for involuntary urine during sleep. Also helps plump children who e...
Allen A84 Lipoma Drops
Allen A84 Lipoma Drops
Indication of Allen A84 Lipoma Drops A Lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that's most often situated between the skin and the underlying muscle layer. A84 Lipoma Drops hel...
Allen A85 Eosinophilia Drop
Allen A85 Eosinophilia Drop
Information about Allen A85 Eosinophilia Drop A85 EOSINOPHILIA DROPS Indications- Abnormal accumulation of Eosinophils in the blood or any tissue. Symptoms include Skin aller...
Allen A86 Proteinuria Drop
Allen A86 Proteinuria Drop
Information about Allen A86 Proteinuria Drop Allen A86 Proteinuria Drop helps manage concerns associated with excessive protein in urine drops (proteinuria), nephrotic syndrome...
Allen A87 Creatinine
Allen A87 Creatinine
Information about Allen A87 Creatinine & Blood Urea Drop Allen A87 Creatinine & Blood Urea Drop is a medicine that can help manage the retention of nitrogenous waste pr...
Allen A88 Arteriosclerosis D...
Allen A88 Arteriosclerosis Drop
Information about Allen A88 Arteriosclerosis Drop A88 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS DROPS Indications- Disorders in the cardiovascular system and the many arteries and vessels which make ...
Allen A89 Cholesterol Drop
Allen A89 Cholesterol Drop
Information about Allen A89 Cholesterol Drop A89 CHOLESTEROL DROPS Indications- Maintains healthy levels of LDL Cholesterol and HDL Cholesterol, supports the cardiovascular s...
Allen A90 Ovarian Cysts Drop
Allen A90 Ovarian Cysts Drop
Information about Allen A90 Ovarian Cysts Drop A90 OVARIAN CYSTS Indications Cyst formations on the ovaries, ovarian tumours, polycystic ovarian syndrome, Dull, aching or ...
Allen A92 C.K.D.(Chronic Kid...
Allen A92 C.K.D.(Chronic Kidney Diseases) Drop
Information about Allen A92 C.K.D.(Chronic Kidney Diseases) Drop A92 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASES (C.K.D.) Indications- Gradual loss of kidney function, Damaged nephrons, High lev...
Allen A93 Alcoholism Drops
Allen A93 Alcoholism Drops
Indication of Allen A93 drops: Alcoholism is a chronic, often progressive disease involving preoccupation with alcohol and impaired control over alcohol intake. Alcoholism invol...